Re-use parts are not just used parts
Let’s start by defining what we are talking about. The part from the circular economy is a variety of solutions available to repairers and motorists to maintain or repair vehicles: the used part, of course, dismantled from end-of-life vehicles and sold as is by authorized centers; the remanufactured part, also called Standard Exchange, refurbished by specialized industries; but also the reconditioned part, which is a used part whose functional condition has been checked by a professional.
Finally, to be complete, let’s not forget the repair service by a professional, which consists of repairing, regenerating, or restoring a part on demand, for example, for old vehicles whose parts become unavailable on the market or for very expensive electronic equipment to replace.
These solutions now allow the repairer to comply with the law, which, since 2019, requires him to offer a “Circular Economy” alternative to his customer.
Second life part: what does the law say ?
French law clearly encourages the use of parts from the circular economy:
First, Law Consommation n° 2014-344 of March 17, 2014, focuses on information on the availability and provision of spare parts. To combat planned obsolescence of products, the law requires each manufacturer to inform the period during which the spare parts essential for the use of goods are available on the market.
Then, Law Royal (n° 2015-992 of August 17, 2015, on energy transition for green growth) introduces a new provision in the consumer code requiring professionals who market maintenance or repair services for motor vehicles to allow consumers to opt for the use of certain categories of spare parts from the circular economy.
Finally, the decree of October 8, 2018, establishes an obligation for automotive maintenance and repair professionals to inform the consumer of his right to opt for PIEC. For this, the consumer must have access to all the necessary information to make an informed choice (especially regarding the price and origin of parts – recycled by authorized end-of-life vehicle centers (ELV) or refurbished according to specifications established by manufacturers, marketed under the designation “standard exchange”).
Parts from the circular economy: what do motorists think ?
The demand is already there! French motorists are now 70% interested in parts from the circular economy for their vehicle, according to the latest GIPA France Drivers Study 2022.
Repairers must absolutely seize this opportunity, which reduces their carbon footprint and lowers their customers’ bills, what more could you ask for?

Garages: what if you switched to part from the circular economy ?
To reduce the environmental footprint of automobiles, it’s not just about electric cars! Especially since it will take time. The priority is to offer ecological solutions to the cars running today, which are currently mostly thermal. In addition to an effective pollution diagnosis, the part from the circular economy is THE solution to reduce the ecological and overall bill for motorists! This solution is in your hands.
With part from the circular economy, you can offer a cheaper and more ecological alternative to your customers. You thus ensure a level of satisfaction and loyalty from your customers and opt for a long-term vision of your business.
But this cannot be done if the warranty is not guaranteed. LRPI Remanufacturing is an industrialist certified by independent organizations and by original equipment manufacturers, for performance, durability, and a warranty equivalent to the new part.
The part from the circular economy is a great opportunity for repairers to show the commitment of their companies and the entire industry to exemplary behavior and to counterbalance an environmentally degraded image of automobiles. This enhances the brand image with customers and can make a difference with the competition.