What is the circular economy ?
Preservation of resources, our environment, our health, enabling economic and industrial development of territories, reducing waste and wastage: It is an economic model that aims to address these issues. It aims to move from a throwaway society, based on a linear economy (extract, manufacture, consume, discard) to a more circular economic model.
Automobile: the vogue of the circular economy
Encouraged by public authorities (French law requires garages to systematically offer a reused part as an alternative to a new part), it is also the subject of very strong commitments from major market players: manufacturers, equipment suppliers, and distribution networks are keen to green their range and image.
And motorists, fleet managers, at the end of the chain, have everything to gain from maintaining their vehicles at low cost and with a reduced ecological footprint.
As for repairers, they have, with the part from the circular economy, an excellent lever to satisfy and retain their customers by offering economic solutions.