LRPI Remanufacturing, remanufacturer for nearly 30 years
In 2013, the industrial vision of the Laurent group, one of the largest parts distributors in France, was demonstrated by the successful and innovative creation of the high-quality pump and injector renovation business.
To build this industrial hub in Saint-Étienne, the Laurent group invested no less than 2 million euros in an optimized industrial tool to cover the needs of internal and external customers: quality, responsiveness, and product range coverage.
The company’s name today bears the imprint of this history: Laurent Renovation Pump Injector

2019: birth of an industrial remanufacturing group
In 2019, the industrial hub was taken over by a group of local investors, led by Jean-Michel Guarneri, and by the employees themselves.
The existing team is maintained at 100%, and the new management undertakes a strategy of commercial conquest in France and Europe, as well as a diversification plan for its many remanufacturing activities.
Between 2020 and 2024, the company’s activity volume tripled, and its products are sold throughout Europe. In 2023, a new activity emerged: the regeneration of particulate filters, which is experiencing considerable growth.
In 2024, the company offers lead battery regeneration.

A committed company
LRPI Remanufacturing is one of the founding members of the France Auto Reman association, which later became Mobilians Remanufacturing, representing the entire French remanufacturing industry by highlighting its many environmental and economic advantages.
The company’s CEO, Julien Dubois, is also the national president of Mobilians Remanufacturing.
LRPI Remanufacturing, a historical member of Feda, promotes the circular economy within the independent distribution ecosystem.
Beyond this environmental commitment, LRPI Remanufacturing is also socially committed through a very ambitious employee shareholding policy and continuous long-term training of young technicians.
They talk about us :

Ancienne entité du groupe Laurent, LRPI s’est émancipée depuis son acquisition par Jean-Michel Guarneri. L’atelier de rénovation de pompes et injecteurs est reparti sur des bases solides et entend faire croître son activité … gopifjhgkjso$bkvjods$k fodgkso kihgôdfkg sohko hk iofd$d$^po

Refaire un produit neuf à partir d’un usagé, tel est l’objectif de LRPI. Perchée sur les hauteurs de Saint-Étienne, cette jeune entreprise remanufacture des injecteurs et des pompes pour moteurs diesels kbf,fdk,bù,vckbjbkdgfjùcxkbjùfgkjxùmvkbl ,jùxkbvfdkgsùmb,ùvmxkl mf*lgk,bxflb;xlbl

L’entreprise qui revend à une dizaine de réseaux de distribution ces composants essentiels au bon fonctionnement des moteurs diesels, réalise environ 35 % de son activité à l’export, principalement aux Pays-Bas et en Belgique.

La spécialité de Laurent RPI, c’est la rénovation de pièces automobiles. Plus précisément de pompes à injection et d’injecteurs, pour tous types de véhicules (VL, poids lourds, engins agricoles et de chantier).